
Happy Doulaversary to me!

At about 3am, one year ago today, I received a call from my first doula client, Jenna. Jenna grew up with my husband and was willing to let me "learn" by being her doula. I met Jenna at the hospital and shortly after 6:00am, she gave birth to her daughter. It was my first and shortest labor as a doula. I was also smack in the middle of my doula training, so I was able to have some serious hands on experience. 

And that was the beginning...

of being a doula

of being a photographer

of Sacred Spaces Birth Support & Photography 

I want to take a moment today to make a statement. A statement of thanks. 

To all my clients: Thank you for trusting me with your moments.  I have learned so much about photography, birth, and supporting couples throughout the past year, and that would not have been possible without you! I received a gift of being able to be a part of your space. I love this work and am grateful that I am able to make money doing it. On that note, thank you for paying me! I know that seems silly to say, but when you pay for these services, you are helping me buy groceries, pay bills & ease the financial burden of being a stay at home mom. I feel empowered to be able to do something I love and contribute to the family pot o honey. Thank you thank you thank you. You've supported local. You've supported small. You've supported REAL people. Pat yourself on the back there, friend. 

To my family: You have watched my kids through births that last sometimes days. You have carried the load and made it possible for me to do this work. I absolutely would not be able to do this without you. 

To my mentors: Doulas, photographers, and other mamas... you have given me tips and encouraged me. You have offered constructive criticism & helped me learn. I have needed it all. 

So, here are just a few of the moments that stand out in my mind from the past year. 

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Here's to another year doing what I love!